Zach Gormley

From promising performances across regional and international contest stages to being the 2015 World YoYo Champion in the 1A division, Zach has claimed his spot at the top of International contest scene. Elite players from around the world consider Zach to be one of the most influential and impressive players to pick up the toy in recent years and he is a favorite of fans and competitors alike.
Did we mention that he’s a really nice guy too? Many top players can be quite one dimensional, but Zach is surprisingly well rounded for his level of talent and ability. When he’s not blowing minds at contests you can catch him enjoying the great outdoors, playing tennis and taking incredible photographs.
We’ve had a great time collaborating with Zach on his many signature return tops, and feel very lucky to be able to share in his successes. We can’t wait to see where things go for Zach and are excited to continue to work with him on achieving his goals.